Month: October 2012
Patriot? Not So Much
Merriam-Webster and other definitions of “patriot” (n): One who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests One who loves, supports, and defends one’s country A person who vigorously supports his country and its way of life You get the idea. There are people, let’s get specific and say it’s the “Tea Party…
Coyotes Necessary for Westgate Success
iStar financial has announce that they will be sticking around and retaining Westgate in Glendale. They will be working on rebranding it as the “Westgate Entertainment District”. This is great news, but some facets of their arguments don’t add up, or at least as their arguments were presented by one of the local anti-Coyotes web…
Can’t Buy Me Love
I like music, especially live music. Bea and I attend as many live shows as we can, we see people everybody has heard of and people hardly anybody has heard of. We saw the Rolling Stones three times the last time they were touring, even managed to make a weekend in Vegas with The Who one night and the…