From: Ryan Kinnear
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 11:11 AM
Subject: Urgent grassroots taxpayer action in Glendale!!!!
July 1, 2012 URGENT
Dear Glendale Taxpayer:
In Glendale, there is a petition drive to get a referendum on the city’s November ballot, to suspend a back-room deal between the City of Glendale and the prospective buyer of the hockey team. The City would pay $20 million per year ($500,000 per home game) to subsidize a “management agreement” with the buyer, to sweeten his purchase of the Coyotes from the National Hockey League. The City claims this is not a “gift” in violation of Arizona’s Constitution, because the City will receive sales tax revenue of $3 million per year. Only a give away of $17 million…
Please contact Joe Cobb at and/or 623-363-6369, if you can volunteer some hours to help circulate the petitions. Almost anyone you ask will eagerly sign, but the problem is the fast-approaching deadline of July 12 and too few people with clipboards. This is a fun petition drive: going door-to-door is better than standing in front of a library! Everybody wants to sign the petition, we just need more people to collect those signatures!
For Liberty,
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