Nebulous Verbosity

Everything here is absolutely correct. Probably.

  • Looking at Trump’s Nominees

    Looking at Trump’s Nominees

    Today is a look at Trumps cabinet nominations.  I am only going to write on a few of them, and it will be over several days. The ones I find to be the most egregious. One thing is starkly evident, it is required for his nominations to show complete fidelity to Trump, even unto humiliation…

  • Protect Social Security and Medicare

    Protect Social Security and Medicare

    “We should privatize Medicare and Social Security and cut Medicaid.” Man, not this drum again! The attack on Medicare began in the 1970s with a proposal to turn the nation’s BEST public health program over to for-profit corporations and privatize Medicare. The false premise was that the free market would create competition that could drive…

  • Flaming Bigot Mark Robinson

    Flaming Bigot Mark Robinson

    Mark Robinson is not your average Nazi level bigot. He’s currently the Lt. Governor of North Carolina gunning for the Governor job. He’s also a Republican.

  • Dictator Worship – The MAGA Mind – S2 E6

    Dictator Worship – The MAGA Mind – S2 E6

    Dictator and strongman worship is an embedded feature of the MAGA movement, spurred on by the grievance culture supported by their leader, Donald Trump.

  • Coyotes Rumored Arena Location

    Coyotes Rumored Arena Location

    There’s a Coyotes rumored arena location. A North Phoenix parcel of Arizona State Trust land appears to be the frontrunner.

  • Arizona school vouchers cost taxpayers more per student

    Arizona school vouchers cost taxpayers more per student

    The Republicans in charge of the Arizona Department of Education and the state Senate say that the state’s school voucher program saves taxpayers money, and that any statements to the contrary are myths.  But the numbers say something different.