Nebulous Verbosity

Everything here is absolutely correct. Probably.

Coyotes Saga Nears Close, Really

At the risk of jumping a gun or jinxing something, City of Glendale today published their agenda (click here for a copy) for a City Council Workshop on October 2. Agenda item number 3 says:

PRESENTED BY: Horatio Skeete, Acting City Manager

Yeah well we’ve been there done that got the T-shirt but what the heck might as well click on the link to the other document that’s highlighted in the link just in…


Looks like we might actually HAVE something here, boys and girls!

Clicking on the link (click here for a copy) opens a document entitled “ARENA MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT MODIFICATION PROPOSAL”. The last two paragraphs are what Coyotes people should focus on and even, dare we say it, celebrate:

In August 2012, Council directed the Acting City Manager to renegotiate the payment terms of the approved agreement with a stated objective of reducing the payments made in the early years of the agreement to better meet the city’s cash flow needs.

During today’s workshop, the Acting City Manager will present the final agreed upon restructuring terms.

If you want to focus on even fewer words, please use “final agreed upon restructuring terms”.

So, will Tuesday, October 2 be the day we can celebrate? Maybe, maybe not. I imagine there are still parliamentery things to be completed and if there is one thing we have all learned in these years of uncertainty and deadlines and “two more weeks” and water bills and tricky clams and annoying car dealers and meddling “watchdogs” and lawsuits and crotchedy old men and eye rolling it’s that nothing is for certain until everything is rock solid.

That said, I’ll admit to being really happy and really relieved.

Keep punching, Coyotes brothers and sisters, the “other guy” is bleeding badly and wobbling dangerously. Another pop or two and the bad guys hit the canvas.

THEN we can celebrate for reals.

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