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Watch Your Six – Decision Time

November 27, 2012

Tonight is a big night for Coyotes fans and haters alike. We’re all nervous. I hope to see a good turnout of Coyotes people at the meeting tonight and I’m sure those people speaking will do us all proud.

It’s no secret that there have been threats of revisiting the petition for referendum that was such a disaster the last time it was attempted by Ken Jones and Joe Cobb and Goldwater Institute. There are people that are upset their best chance to rid Glendale of the Coyotes slipped through their fingers because of their inability to follow simple directions and, of course, the lack of interest from Glendale voters.

There was an interesting comment from the infamously rude anonymous Internet troll @RottenGlendale on Twitter just a little while ago. She seems to state that Sanderson Ford’s David Kimmerle stands ready to sponsor a new petition drive to get the lease on the ballot in 2014. Her threat is based on the amount of money Kimmerle threw away on his support of Proposition 457 on this most recent ballot which was defeated in a spectacular landslide loss.

The first tweet:

If the council approves this bad sports deal it won’t just be old man Jones out there in the heat collecting signatures 🙂

The above refers to Ken Jones and his attempt to gather signatures, mostly alone despite the promised support of the local Tea Party “Patriots” (according to Phil Lieberman’s admonishing email to them). She seems to imply that THIS time the deal will be threatened by more people collecting signatures. By the way, the last time there were so many egregious errors in the petition for referendum paperwork that the signatures were never even counted! But wait, there’s more. She needs to hammer the point home with another additional tidbit of information designed to send Coyotes people scurrying for the door.

Mr. Kimmerle is very helpful. We know that it takes resources to get a referendum and we’re ready. :0) Plus we can sue!

A lawsuit was filed the last time this came up for a vote and was killed. I assume there are squadrons of drone lawyers in the wings that have been looking at the arena lease agreement for some time. I’m also certain that Hockey Partners is equipped with a first class team of attorneys. I’m also certain that the City of Glendale has legal beagles that have gone over the agreement and the voting process and everything else to do with this deal. So, if it happens it will happen. A Twitter troll, however, is not likely to have anything to do with it.

The reference to “Mr. Kimmerle” implies that David Kimmerle will support their goal, presumably with money. Kimmerle is the owner of Sanderson Ford, a longtime sponsor of the Phoenix Coyotes. His stance on supporting Proposition 457 (anti sales tax) is seen by many as being an anti-Coyotes stance. Yet, he has publicly told Coyotes fans that he is pro Coyotes and was only against the sales tax in Glendale, not the arena lease deal.

So, is RottenGlendale telling the truth at ALL here? Her credibility is much less reliable than her venomous comments, so we’ll see soon enough.

I’ll see many of you Coyotes brothers and sisters tonight at the City Council meeting. Let’s hope the arena lease deal is approved tonight, the best result for out team and for the City of Glendale.

Semper Fidelis.

RottenGlendale Never Shuts Up
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