Nebulous Verbosity

Everything here is absolutely correct. Probably.

Cheap Shots

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Ken Jones and Francine Romesburg are adding a new flavor to the meaning of the word “bait”.

Francine Romesburg

While Francine relented after initially not allowing entrance of a person we know into her Wednesday “public welcome” Tea Party meeting at Denny’s, he and his daughter decided to go elsewhere after doing a head count of the Partiers in Denny’s back room. Why would they stay?

Our experience with some people in that meeting, including the two responsible for the current referendum attempt, has been that they will call the police or contact the city clerk with nuisance complaints, then publicize the complaints.

Ironically, apparently the library staff called the police yesterday and today for Mr. Jones taking pictures of people and kids in the vicinity of the library. “We” had nothing to do with that, but I do admit that it’s a little funny that the Glendale police had to go to the library to speak with Mr. Jones about his ALLEGED creepy behavior today.

While they are obviously aware that their complaints are baseless, they feel they are inflicting “damage” on the targets of their complaints with the accusation alone, regardless of the eventual outcome. Therefore, anyone that could be construed as representing the Coyotes hockey club even as a fan is better off leaving these people to their own transparent plot devices. Let them call the cops on each other.

We’d like to add, at this point, that the meeting where petition gatherers were to be recruited and instructed, we assume, was attended by a total of 11 people. Two of the 11 were the “Back To Sanity” (BTS) sponsors of the R-12-02 referendum, Ken Jones and Francine Romesburg. As a point of information, “Glendale First!” had a private meeting at our super secret, yet awesome, meeting location yesterday with three times as many people to support the Coyotes. While one of the meeting subjects was the BTS referendum attempt, it was by no means the main subject.

Hung Out To Dry – Again

This summer, Mr. Jones was involved in another referendum attempt with a different dance partner, Joe Cobb. Ken was at his table at the libraries in the brutal heat a LOT, accompanied by Glendale First! people that were distributing actual facts to potential petition signers.

Ken Jones

Toward the end of that attempt, Mr. Cobb seemed to lose interest and it was Mr. Jones that was out there without support. Phil Lieberman implored the same Glendale Tea Party people, in an email, to step up and help Mr. Jones gather his necessary signatures. They did not, and hung Ken out to dry as had his previous partner the Goldwater Institute who, eventually, came to pull Ken off the streets.

It’s obvious to all interested observers that the gathering signatures in the parking lots technique is not being employed by BTS this time around. Ken is dangling out there on the sidewalk at the library once in awhile, but there is no serious effort to gather signatures in this fashion. So, Mr. Jones is, apparently, acting as bait to attract the attention of people looking to suppress the signature gathering effort. Mr. Jones may or may not have company at the libraries over the next 19 days. I can say that if he’s there today, he will have people to chat with or, in a pinch, yell “GETOUTTAMYFACE” at depending on his mood and the audience available.

Thug Goon Freeloader Grifters Are Stupid

Yup. Stupid like a fox!

The people involved in the BTS attempt have been, essentially, bragging about their deception effort. Wouldn’t you think that, by now, these people would learn to restrain their glee at putting one over on the “goons” long enough to actually implement their ruse? They should have.

Here’s a 12/3 post from the infamous @RottenGlendale who has taken to deactivating her account in an attempt to hide her Tweets from prying eyes:

Hockey goons will finally know my name when I drop off over 1300 signatures on my volunteer petitions 🙂 #NotAsSmartAsYouThinkYouAre

1300 signatures isn’t going to cut it in this referendum attempt, and BTS knows it. The hash tag references the speculation on the identity of RG that has been a topic of conversation once in awhile on Twitter. It also may relate to the ultimate goal of the referendum “effort” and the final goal of the obstructionists.

@RottenGlendale has also dropped some clues that they are basing their attempt on fewer signatures:

County Record certified election results was 58,947 votes in Nov 6 election. Referendum requires 5% of that = 2948

Using their lackadaisical signature gathering methods, there is little likelihood that BTS will even gather the 3.000 signatures RG says they need. We have it on authority, though, that Francine is basing her strategery on the actual number of signatures Glendale states they need, very close to 7,000.

Lots of people are talking 🙂 We will have a press release when we are ready to share our plans with the media.

No Emergency Clause #Coyotes #Glendale Referendum starts tomorrow 🙂 This time Ken will have help. Big help.

Mr. Kimmerle is very helpful. We know that it takes resources to get a referendum and we’re ready :0) Plus we can sue!

If the council approves this bad sports deal it wont just be old man Jones out there in the heat collecting signatures 😉

We know that KPHO has provided offers to RG to speak on camera which have been declined. That’s what the first Tweet is about. The second tweet is interesting, it refers to the “Emergency Clause” which would have the arena lease agreement effective immediately and not subject to referendum. Interesting statement, indeed. If I was stupid, I would blab what that purposefully vague statement means, maybe on Twitter or even here in the blog post.

Family Affair

Here’s a Thursday 12/6/2012 post from Peggy Ryan Jones (Facebook page):

Thanks to our new referendum signature collectors.  You can join the real workers.  Ken Jones takes time out to be available to help hand out forms and advice six days each week. HeI will be at the Main Library at 59th and Brown every day except Friday between 1:00 and 3:00 pm.  Joyce Clark’s freeloading bums have no idea what our final objective really is.  Remember these same fools thought their lame duck was going to get more votes than Sammy Chavira.  Now she and Mr. Potato Head have one foot out the door!

I have to admit I don’t know who “Mr. Potato Head” is, although I’m sure it’s a scathing and clever insult in the mind of Ms. Jones (who also is a “@RottenGlendale” candidate by the way, along with Annette McHugh and others). I believe that I am, in Ms. Jones’ estimation, both a “fool” and a “freeloading bum”. Oh, well, she was also the person that characterized my two angelic daughters as “thugs” in one of her comments on an AZ Rep article somewhere back in June when she had her bud Phil Lieberman call the Glendale police on “us”. We wear her insults, in fact, as a badge of honor and a sign that we’re doing something right.

So, what is the “final objective” of which Ms. Jones speaks? There are a number of possibilities, some of which may have been curtailed because the level of support BTS had been hinting at hasn’t thus far materialized. Some has, we believe, officially evaporated.

Final Objective

The ultimate final objective is now and has been for the past four years to have the Coyotes vacate Glendale, regardless of the cost to Glendale of the arena the citizens voted to build and regardless of the significantly better long term fiscal outlook for the city WITH the team.

Final Obective V12 Rolls Royce Merlin

I’ve maintained for some time now that delay, in and of itself, has been the prime tactic of the various people trying to run the Coyotes out of town. This BTS referendum “attempt” is yet another attempt at adding another 30 day delay. If BTS is successful, somehow, in delaying the finalization of the Coyotes lease deal and sale to Hockey Partners, they see that gets them closer to the date the “new council” is sworn in. They feel, probably, that the “new council” will somehow negate the current arena lease agreement and thus remove the Coyotes from Glendale.

So, if a 30 day delay IS the goal, do signatures even have to be gathered? No, they don’t. If YOU were using paid circulators, wouldn’t they be present at a holiday shopping packed Tanger Outlet yesterday? Sure you would. If you were attempting to gather 7,000 signatures PLUS the requisite 20 percent cushion (for bad signatures), wouldn’t you be soliciting signatures at a packed Glendale Glitters last night? Sure you would. Yet, there were no circulators at either place, the only person “out there” is Ken Jones, or “Mr. Bait” as we should perhaps call him.

From the evidence blabbed by Ms. Jones and RottenGlendale, among others of their ilk, the vague threat to “sue” is on the table. This IS the United States and we, unlike Quebec with essentially outlawed her citizens from suing over their $400M government hockey arena, have the right to sue anybody over anything. It is both the beauty and the curse of our Republic since people, under the guise of protecting our Constitution or our citizens, can file lawsuits with little or no chance of success. In this case, again the end result WOULDN’T MATTER, the delay of time spent doing even expedited litigation would be the goal in order to delay “the deal” into the period where the “new council” is activated and the arena lease management deal would be put in jeopardy.

But that all is just a guess from a freeloading bum of a fool hockey thug.

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