July 17, 2013
Including today, there are 16 days remaining until the deadline for submission of petition signatures to the City of Glendale. And, actually, the City will be deciding soon to give Mr. Jones an extra day, until close of business August 2, to eliminate ANY possibility of a trip to court about papers not being available until 9am on July 3. They’re imposing the @Fishbert rule. So, we’re actually back to 17 days.
Thug Katrina DeVinny dropped a cool post about the Coyotes and loyalty, I say “yup”. There’s even a picture of my buds Dave and Chuck hanging out with Coach. Click here to read it.
It’s OEL’s 22nd birthday. You know him, the elite defenseman and underwear mogul. Seriously, underwear. Follow him on Tweetyface @OEL_23
And then, there’s this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwxV0-hZNuI&feature=youtu.be
July 16, 2013
Including today, there are 17 days remaining until the deadline for submission of petition signatures to the City of Glendale.
Date: | 7/3 | 7/4 | 7/5 | 7/6 | 7/7 | 7/8 | 7/9 | 7/10 | 7/11 | 7/12 |
Day: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Date: | 7/13 | 7/14 | 7/15 | 7/16 | 7/17 | 7/18 | 7/19 | 7/20 | 7/21 | 7/22 |
Day: | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
Date: | 7/23 | 7/24 | 7/25 | 7/26 | 7/27 | 7/28 | 7/29 | 7/30 | 7/31 | 8/1 |
Day: | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
Ken Jones’ signature gathering partner was hanging at Foothills Library reading a paper this morning.
So the mayor is ramping up his “I saved the Coyotes” campaign through his PR mouthpiece, probably so he might be able to appear at the rink in his “MAYOR 1” jersey without being booed too much. I’m not convinced it will work, but PR is an amazing tool.
Hundreds of people predicted this for months.
July 15, 2013
Including today, there are 18 days remaining until the deadline for submission of petition signatures to the City of Glendale.
Happy birthday to my sister, Sue!
July 14, 2013
Back out on the mean and hot streets of Glendale battling evil forces. Special shout out to master thug and all around cool guy Juice Hiscott, who is celebrating his third birthday AND his third referendum opposition today!
Excellent strategery meeting for breakfast at the super secret (but fun) location. A good time was had by all and we even managed to talk a little grass roots politics in there somewhere. It’s no coincidence it’s a great group of people, we’re all Coyotes pack member.
The following two tweets from Rev. Maupin buddy and Weiers PR rep are presented without further comment. https://twitter.com/jasonrosepr/statuses/356432609074610177
July 13, 2013
Bringing it on the mean streets of Glendale.
July 12, 2013
Okay, now the mayor states (according to the AZ Republic, click here) that he’s “neutral” to the referendum attempt of Mr. Jones:
Maupin said he had the support of Mayor Jerry Weiers and Councilman Ian Hugh, who joined Alvarez in opposing the agreement in a 4-3 vote. Hughes confirmed his support, but Weiers told The Arizona Republic he was neutral.
Let me try to grasp this. The mayor states “I will do all I can to help team succeed” yet told the local paper he is neutral to an effort that would certainly make sure the team did NOT succeed. I’m confused and don’t really understand political lingo, it seems like two different concepts to me.
I know that I am personally doing all I can to help the team succeed, for whatever that’s worth. And I am certainly not neutral to the referendum attempt.
During the press conference at Glendale City Hall yesterday, Rev. Maupin stated councilmember Ian Hugh and the mayor supported “the intitiative”, referring to the referendum attempt to derail the ordinance approved by the council for the arena management agreement.
Because the mayor, on more that one occasion, stated he would do everything he could to help the Coyotes succeed even though he “couldn’t support” it (the deal).
So, obviously, supporting a referendum to essentially kill the deal would be a 180 degree turn away from ensuring the Coyotes succeed. There were reporters at the press conference yesterday but, so far, I haven’t seen a story or a quote from the mayor confirming or denying Rev. Maupin’s statement.
This morning, though, Weiers’ PR rep (and Maupin buddy, we hear) Jason Rose offered an “answer” to the question. Who can figure out the frozen pond tweet? I guess Grant Woods (IceArizona supporter) could, because he retweeted it.
July 11, 2013
Click here to read the letter hand delivered to the Arizona State Attorney General Tom Horne today regarding the Coyotes deal and Glendale politics.
Reverend Maupin tells me he’s now out of it:
“Sent letter, helped referendum, spoke out, folks know where I stand. It’a in AG & signature gatherers’ hands now. I’m pulling back, like GWI.”
Yet, apparently, the Arizona Republic was just told something else. I guess pulling back can mean so many things?
He also mentioned a tweet I sent that was incorrect, I corrected myself later and deleted the erroneous tweet, here’s my correction:
I honestly put a lot of effort into presenting only the facts, but made a mistake.

Maupin, Jones, Alvarez poorly attended press conference at Glendale City Hall over. Information and reactions probably coming later today, if there’s time to deal with it.
By the way, if all this ridiculousness at trying to kill a deal despite having the people of Glendale heartily reject two prior referendums targeting the Coyotes, go to GlendaleFirst.org and offer your services by using the email link on the home page.
Dog and pony show coming up in an hour at Glendale City Hall featuring Mr. Jarrett Maupin and Glendale councilmembers Norma Alvarez and Ian Hugh. They’re expected to announce a complaint being registered with the Arizona Attorney General’s office regarding the vote to approve the lease agreement with IceArizona. The basis of their complaint is unknown and, in my humble opinion, perhaps intended to deflect attention from open meeting law violation complaints against the pair of councilmembers.
Ironically, Maupin, now supporting the Ken Jones referendum, got himself tossed off the ballot for Phoenix mayor for using convicted felons to gather signatures for his petition (click here)! You just can’t make this stuff up!
Info from Maupin pal Jason Rose:
Some more background on Maupin:
- http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/valleyfever/2009/04/jarrett_maupin_ii_pleads_guilt.php
- http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/bella/2013/05/the_amys_baking_company_carniv.php
- http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/20111114ex-phoenix-school-official-maupin-freed.html
- http://seeingredaz.wordpress.com/2009/09/22/five-years-probation-for-former-mayoral-candidate-jarrett-maupin/
- http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/05/16/1209539/-Amy-s-Baking-Company-the-Arizona-GOP-intersection
… and more of course.
Considering the people involved, it’s likely that the Tohono O’odham will be offering support publicly or, more likely, privately to the referendum effort.
It’s all about the signatures.
Regarding Goldwater Institute and the Coyotes? They are out:
Click here for their statement.
That does NOT, however, mean that they (Goldwater) are not encouraging their supporters to offer financial assistance to the referendum effort.
July 10, 2013
Former Canucks assistant coach Newell Brown has signed a multi-year contract for a similar position with the Coyotes, replacing former assistant coach John Anderson. Sarah McLellan says on Twitter: “Expect Brown to coach the PP.” Yeah, a power play would be a pretty key component to vault the Coyotes up a couple notches.
Big trade announced late last night.
Bea and I have had a Coyotes “ticket guy” for awhile now, on and off as he moved up the ranks, Nick Myers. He is, today anyway, Manager of Group Sales for the team and is one of Mike Nealy’s guys I was talking about (click here) about a week ago.
Put yourself in Nick’s shoes for a second, being in charge of group sales for a team that might be leaving at the end of the season, pick a season. Didn’t matter, Nick (and his people) hung in there and even managed to INCREASE sales. That’s a pretty impressive thing to have on your resume.
Unfortunately, the Columbus Blue Jackets agree, in this case, so they grabbed Nick to be their Director of Group & Hospitality Sales. A big job that he earned.
I’m sure you’ll kill it, Nick. Bon Voyage, don’t be a stranger.
July 9, 2013
Sounds like Ken Jones has some friends helping him out this time. After their meeting over this past weekend, they’re out there in force today gathering signatures.
Ironically, today, Glendale First! became a Political Action Committee (PAC) in opposition of R-13-01. What does that mean? Tricky Clams and thugs will be out on the mean streets of Glendale with educational materials and joy in their hearts.
Hey, you know those rumblings you get in your guts after you ate some bad clams or spoiled chicken? Yeah, those, where the sounds within your stomach mean something really aromatic in a BAD way is going to make an appearance in the next 24 hours or so?
Yeah, maybe you could expect those aromatic presents to make a splash in the next day or so.
Sounds like there’s a pretty good turnout at Prospect Camp in the middle of a work day. In fact, the Ice Den looks packed. I didn’t get to go, but there were sure a lot of “No hockey fans in Arizona” there to see a bunch of prospects skate around.
Another person pulled a referendum packet yesterday about 45 minutes after Mr. Jones dropped his off. We don’t know what the purpose of the packet was, but it was “pulled” by Robert Rebich with a 7241 W. Bethany Home Rd., Glendale address. As of noon today, Mr. Rebich has not returned to the City Clerk’s office to file his referendum paperwork.
Mr. Rebich may have a bone to pick with Glendale other than with the arena lease deal.
Today is the first day of Prospect Camp at the Ice Den and the way the workload is shaping up today, we’ll have to miss it.
July 8, 2013
Relax. Signed at 1:30 pm today.
Just before lunch today, Mr. Jones filed his committee and his application for referendum at Glendale City Hall. The exact number of signatures from Glendale registered voters required for success is 6,955 (10% of the total valid votes cast in November, 2012). He has 24.5 days to do so, therefore needs to acquire 283.87755 (give or take) valid signatures per day.
Coyotes prospects are hitting the Valley (if they’re not here already) to the tune of an expected 111 degree high today. Welcome to the Valley, boys!
Free hockey fix at the Ice Den 2:15-3:15 tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday.
Click here for a prospect Camp preview from Five For Howling.
Click here for a handy Prospect Camp Roster from Ross Elliot (@rossdelliott)
Pearl Jam is scheduled to play Jobing.com arena November 19. I’m sure they would have played there even if there wasn’t an arena management deal being consummated, but it sure helps to have a sold out big show to add to the credibility of the assertions “we can do this thing”.
I haven’t heard about presales, which would be the best way to get in with a good seat, but here’s the Ticketmaster link, tickets go on sale July 27, 10am. I will be on vacation in the boonies with no cell anything, so…
July 7, 2013
The Coyotes prospects will be skating at the Ice Den, I assume on the sheet in the back, Tuesday through Thursday this week from 2:15 pm through 3:15 pm. If you don’t know where the Ice Den is, Google “Ice Den, Scottsdale”. Be there or be square if you can sneak out of work for a bit.
Speaking of prospects, Coyotes first round draft pick Max Domi will throw out the first pitch at Tuesday’s Diamondbacks game against the hated LA Dodgers. Sure it’s baseball, but if you need a nap and want to work on your “Beat LA” chant, there’s worse places to be than at the ballpark in the evening.
Signatures gathered: 0 Days remaining to August 1: 26 Valid signatures required per day: 269
July 6, 2013
Coyotes fans are still riding the wave of being able to actually participate in “free agency day” like a REAL NHL team. I can’t begin to describe, personally, how refreshing that is after so many years of “what if” scenarios.
Signatures gathered: 0 Days remaining to August 1: 27 Valid signatures required per day: 259
There’s a lot of Interwebs troll hope for the Coyotes demise still alive. One factor is Mr. Jones, you see the above numbers, decide for yourself if working to get signatures in 100+ heat when the numbers aren’t on your side is a difficult task.
Another is Reverend Maupin, who provided a rhyming veiled threat at the City Council meeting. Click here to read about the arrest of Mr. Maupin if you want to review his credibility.
The third is the results of the audit CM Alvarez alluded to in her chat with the Glendale Star. It wouldn’t take much research to discover the audit of which she speaks has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with arena management or the Coyotes.
Time to start trolling Panthers or Devils fans instead.
July 5, 2013
Click here to read an email from a new citizen of Glendale, who explains to the City Council his decision was in large part determined when the Coyotes became a long term tenant of Glendale this past Tuesday. Another addition to the economic impact of the Coyotes.
Ken Jones made his traditional post Coyotes Glendale City Council vote trip to City Hall to “pull a packet” for a referendum attempt on Wednesday. He has not yet (as of 10:20 am) turned in the completed paperwork. That means he has already lost ten percent of his allotted time (30 days) to gather 7,000 valid signatures.
Man is it nice to watch “Free Agency Day” with some good things happening. We lost Gordon and Barbs, retain Korpi, Stone, Chipchura and grab Ribeiro (!!) and goalie Greiss. So far.
Click here for Craig’s Ribeiro (“i” NOT before “e”) story with comments from GMDM and IceArizona’s LeBlanc.
July 4, 2013
Some things are more important than hockey. Today is a good day to reflect on that and all of the people that lay it on the line to make sure it’s possible for us to live in the best nation the planet has ever seen.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Wait, WHAT?? Is the sky falling? Are pigs flying?
The Arizona Republic editorial board now says “Phoenix Coyotes now in a position to thrive“? Amazing, considering that an AZ Rep reporter was providing misinformation with an attitude just yesterday on the PBS Arizona Horizon show.
I sure hope this continues! Welcome aboard, AZ Rep!
Dave Zorn (@DaveZorn72) apparently interviewed one of the top ten Coyotes Interwebs trolls, Fred Poulin, covering a wide range of topics. I highly recommend tuning in to hear. Click here to listen.
Fred, somehow, all of a sudden doesn’t like attention, but continues to keep it classy.
Translated poorly by Google translate:
The Mongolian to Fallar is in a wheelchair because of the large cellar Zorn fell on looking for underage girls!
Not atypical language from many of the troll crew, in case you’re curious.
Other people that have been chirping Coyotes fans for a long time, in contrast, somehow “get it”. Thanks, Max and Steve! I hope you guys eventually get a team again, extra bonus if you keep guys like Fred out of your building. Does facial hardware make it through metal detectors?
July 3, 2013

Bea had some great remarks prepared for last night’s City Council meeting, she ran out of time very early on, so click here to read what she as going to say.
Boom goes the dynamite, the Coyotes family is staying home where we all belong.
Next stop, an effective power play.
Click here to read Craig’s story, it’s all in there. If you haven’t watched the “History Of Hockey In Arizona” video, it’s there on the page. Watch it if you have a few minutes, then tweet your props to Todd Walsh @ToddWalsh and Graham Taylor @goldencanuck.
Here’s Jaime Eisner’s take on it: Five For Howling
Congratulations to everybody who worked so hard on a four year project. For the team, you have to particularly admire the men and women “in the trenches”, too many to name, but go to the Coyotes web site, start at Mike Nealy and work your way down to the people that aren’t even listed on the web site. Bravo, ladies and gentlemen.
Since I didn’t get enough comments or views on my carefully crafted video, here it is again:
July 2, 2013
Today is the day, people.
Today is the day Renaissance Sports and Entertainment announced Global Spectrum as their partner to manage the arena.
July 1, 2013
No updates today.