Nebulous Verbosity

Everything here is absolutely correct. Probably.

They’re Baaaaaaack!

Anna and Ronald Lee are back to take another run at recalling Glendale Councilman Gary Sherwood. They filed for a petition serial number (RC-15-01) earlier today.

Despite being well funded by the Gila River Indian Community, their previous multi month effort failed miserably.

Despite hiring a professional petition circulating company to gather the necessary signatures, they ended up having all of their efforts tossed to the curb by the Glendale City Clerk for dumb errors.

Despite having numerous errors in their campaign finance reports, they’re back anyway.

Maybe this time they learned from their mistakes? Will they hire the same company that let them down so badly the last time? While they still should have $10k of their war chest remaining, is their source of funds disgusted with their incompetence enough to snap the wallet shut?

All of the answers will come in the goodness of time. The Lees have until June 20 to gather the necessary signatures.

For prior stories:

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