Author: George Fallar
Note to Larry Brooks: Get Bent
On Saturday, December 6, Larry Brooks (@NYP_Brooksie) posted an opinion piece on the NY Post website, a noted bastion of journalistic ethics and snappy headlines. In it, the hockey business Sergeant Schultz of the tri-state area encourages the NJ Devils to throw their season to be in the hunt for a draft pick. He also…
Immigration Executive Action
POTUS is pushing the envelope with the open threat of an executive order to shield up to 5 million undocumented immigrants from deportation. A senior administration official has characterized the 5 million figure as being the upper limit of what the President is considering. A more realistic number is millions less. Despite that and the…
Note to David Shoalts: Get Bent
Some things never change. One is that the Stanley Cup seems to want to stay in the United States. Another is that David Shoalts will frequently return to the well of guaranteed partisan and enemy clicks with negative Arizona Coyotes stories. Also guaranteed? Actual facts aren’t that important to Shoalts. He’s pushed out a couple editorials in the Toronto Globe…
Lawyer: My Clients Were Ignorant of the Law
The bulk of the fines three political committees in Glendale are liable for (click for original story) are related to Arizona election law statutes that require reporting of large contributions and expenditures within 24 hours. The Glendale City Clerk refers to them as “10k notices”. Two of the committees are pushing referendums to negate two Glendale City…
Lawyer Admits Glendale Campaign Reporting Violations
On Friday, October 24, the City of Glendale Clerk’s office received answers to formal complaints regarding campaign finance reporting violations, having granted the committees an extra four days to formulate their answers. The lawyer representing political committees funded exclusively by the Gila River Indian Community provided answers to each complaint, admitting errors for portions of each complaint….
PLEASE Get Your Flu Shot
Recently posted to Facebook is an article “John Hopkins Scientist Reveals Shocking Report on Flu Vaccine”. I want to point out that there are many news outlets that are only in the business of getting people to click on their page for the ad counters, and therefore they receive some sort of financial benefit. Before…
Glendale Campaign Violations Update
Glendale has received three campaign finance law violation complaints for three currently active political committees. The fines for these violations should approach a million dollars. Click here for the details of those complaints. The three committees are funded by the Gila River Indian Community (who bear NO responsibility for these blatant errors) through an Independent Expenditure Committee…
A Million Dollars Worth of Campaign Violations
The Gila River Indian Community has poured $273,471.62 (click here) of reported contributions into Glendale politics through the Neighbors for a Better Glendale independent expenditure committee during this election cycle. Their contribution would have to be multiplied more than three times to pay the total campaign finance reporting violation fines that could result from prosecution of errors of…