Author: George Fallar
CenturyLink Is Horrible
Our address is in Cave Creek, Arizona although we live in a Maricopa County island. Our road is dirt and the neighborhood is full of horse ranches. A pack of coyotes lives behind our house and we hear them yipping nearly every night. There’s no traffic noise, and there’s really no crime. It’s quiet and it’s unusual to…
Casino Referendum Failure In Glendale
Gary Hirsch and Jill Ryan recently teamed up to bring forth two referendum petitions squaring off against recent casino activity from the Glendale City Council. They have apparently hired Petition Partners as paid petition circulators. Click here for that story. This isn’t the first time this team has been rounded up for similar purposes. The first time was a…
Glendale – Referendum And Irony Capital Of The World
Two referendum applications were filed by two new political committees in Glendale yesterday (8/14). Both are aimed squarely at the actions taken by the Glendale City Council on Tuesday (8/12). The Council passed (with a 4-3 vote) two actions paving the way for the Tohono O’odham Nation to build their resort/casino on reservation land near Westgate in…
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Members Want Sherwood Recalled
When? A statement of organization for a political committee was filed in Glendale yesterday (August 12, 2014) one minute before close of business. Click here for the document. Why? The name of the committee is “Recall Councilman Gary Sherwood Committee”. While no recall petition has yet been filed, one would imagine there’s something in the works….
Dark Money Into The Toilet
Money makes things happen in politics. Recent rule changes for campaign finance reporting have thrown open the doors for gigantic anonymous contributions. Predictably, “dark money” has since been firehosing into the coffers of candidates and causes nationwide. Glendale (AZ) is having a great view of what present and future election cycles will be. Background The Glendale…
The Outrage of Laziness
It’s no secret that social media is riddled with a wealth of misinformation. Popular social media outlets provide an easily accessible and inexpensive avenue for people to forward their agenda, often by fomenting outrage with incomplete and/or inaccurate information. There’s a great deal of confidence that most people won’t do any fact checking, accepting inflammatory headlines and snippets disguised as “news” blindly. That confidence is…
Jason Rose Sues Coyotes Honchos
Jason Rose is back and starring in an AZ Republic piece. He’s not in his role as the trusted advisor to Glendale mayor Weiers helping with the anti-Coyotes project, among other things. He isn’t wearing his hat as the PR representative for the fabulously nutty Amy’s Baking Company. This time Jason’s wearing his polo tournament savior…
Politics Dooms Coyotes License Plate
On the face of it, you’d think the sole people to point fingers at for voting down the Coyotes special license plate (and others) in the same bill are the Arizona State Senators that switched their votes from “yes” to “no”. They do bear some of the blame, but maybe not most of the blame….