Author: George Fallar
Coyotes Scrimmage For Granite Mountain Hotshots
A Great Evening Over six thousand people showed up for a Coyotes intra-squad scrimmage at 7 pm on a school night in the middle of the week. Moms and Dads brought their kids, even knowing they’d be a little sleepy in school today, because it was important. The new owners of the Coyotes opened the arena and…
Coyotes Rumor Roundup – Sept. 2013
September 12, 2013 Looks like the long term outlook for Glendale and Westgate continues to improve. It would be impossible to argue that the Coyotes sticking around for the foreseeable future wasn’t an instrumental factor in the new business coming into Westgate. This piece on the AZ Family (not to be confused with AZ Central) site…
Hey Dan Bickley – Get Bent (Part THREE)
Constant curmudgeon Dan Bickley, escaping the latest round of Gannett cutbacks, offered yet another pointless snotty Coyotes post. Bygones Be Bygones I’ve taken issue with Mr. Bickley in the past (“Note To Dan Bickley: Get Bent” and “Note To Dan Bickley: Get Bent – AGAIN“) for his snide pieces about “my” team and “my” Captain. I am aware we…
Coyotes Rumor Roundup – Aug. 2013
August 28, 2013 The Tricky Clams patches have arrived and they look pretty good. There’s a party in Glendale on Saturday, September 21 between 7 pm and 10 pm. There will be some free beer and some inline skating and hockey at the rink. There’s nothing that will cost you a dime unless you feel like bring a…
Technical Knockout In The Final Round
Today is July 18, 2013. As of today, ANY signatures collected for the R13-01 referendum are invalid and should not be considered. There are multiple reasons for this. This is the third time around for Mr. Jones with the anti-Coyotes crusade. He had more significant partners during his first try that failed. Ironically, had he and…
Leap Of Faith Is The New Two Weeks
Matt McConnell dropped a blog post on the Coyotes site (click here) a few days ago. His subject was the wave of momentum that’s building and sweeping the Coyotes and their fans along. Right at the top, Matt writes: “A leap of faith” has been a phrase long associated with the Coyotes organization. And it…
Coyotes Referendum Guide
There’s some confusion about the current referendum attempt regarding the arena lease agreement between the City of Glendale and IceArizona. Hopefully questions are answered here. Who Is It? Mr. Ken Jones is running solo this time for the petition circulating. Since he began his quest, the other man that had “pulled a packet”, Robert Rebich…
Pardon, Sir, Your Bias Is Showing
The vote to approve the arena management deal between Glendale and IceArizona occurred on July 2, 2013. Glendale Councilmember Gary Sherwood recorded an appearance for broadcast on PBS Arizona Horizon the next day and and Arizona Republic reporter Paul Giblin appeared in studio. Click here for the video. It was an interesting show. Sherwood’s Segment…