Nebulous Verbosity

Everything here is absolutely correct. Probably.

Author: George Fallar

  • Coyotes? It’s All In The Family

    Coyotes? It’s All In The Family

    An interesting tidbit lost in the free agent frenzy? With the departure of Daniel Alfredsson from the Ottawa Senators, our own Captain Shane Doan is the longest tenured Captain (always capital “C” for Doaner) in the NHL. Adding to the panache of Doaner’s new status is that, like Alfredsson, he had the chance to bail out on…

  • Because It’s Family

    Because It’s Family

    When Jerry Moyes walked into bankruptcy court with his Coyotes paperwork in his hand four years and two months ago, he started a new chapter in the history of the club. While there has since been a lot of success on the ice to celebrate, everything was tinged with tones of turmoil and uncertainty. A new chapter began…

  • One Way Transparency

    One Way Transparency

    Here we are again, boys and girls. There was so much material in the dirty tricks basket that I had to split it up into parts. This is part two. Click here for part one. We’re talking about Glendale and the handling of the arena management deal with IceArizona (the DBA type name for the…

  • Coyotes Rumor Roundup – July, 2013

    July 17, 2013 Including today, there are 16 days remaining until the deadline for submission of petition signatures to the City of Glendale. And, actually, the City will be deciding soon to give Mr. Jones an extra day, until close of business August 2, to eliminate ANY possibility of a trip to court about papers…

  • Political Dirty Tricks In Glendale

    Political Dirty Tricks In Glendale

    Glendale mayor Jerry Weiers was making the media rounds recently (click here). Weiers was professing his innocence, defending himself against a flurry of accusations of delay and cronyism on his part. The assumption, veiled or otherwise, built into these accusations is that his moves were designed to derail the Rensaissance (RSE) arena management plan for arena. Some…

  • Free Parking For Weiers

    Free Parking For Weiers

    Kings make rules, they don’t follow them. Elected officials should do both. Marking Your Territory The mayor and Council Members have always had reserved parking in the parking garage attached to Glendale City Hall. Reserved, NOT assigned. That wasn’t good enough for one guy and his $93k per year assistant and Diet Coke retriever. Both…

  • Bazooka Jerry

    Bazooka Jerry

    There’s a Glendale City Council workshop meeting today at 1:30 pm to discuss the Renaissance (RSE) proposed deal with the city to manage their arena with the Coyotes as the anchor tenant. The special workshop was called by mayor Jerry Weiers, who then made the media rounds to explain the purpose of the meeting was to offer the public…

  • Eight Days A Week For Coyotes

    Eight Days A Week For Coyotes

    The next eight days are important to the future of the Coyotes in Glendale, culminating in a likely Glendale City Council vote on Tuesday, July 2. This time last year, we had our annual family vacation plans all worked out. We were worried we would miss the victory party for the consummated sale of the Phoenix…