Nebulous Verbosity

Everything here is absolutely correct. Probably.

Author: George Fallar

  • Not Just A Summer Rerun

    Not Just A Summer Rerun

    It’s tempting to say “here we go again” with the latest round of ownership news. It’s not the same, though, we’re further down a bunch of roads. Some of what follows is cribbed from Craig Morgan’s piece he dropped while “on vacation” from a super secret but fun location. Deal Fatigue It was around this time…

  • Coyotes Bidders Are Serious

    Coyotes Bidders Are Serious

    Taking the advice of a local PR boffin, we requested supporting information from the City of Glendale. Maybe it would be more proper English to use “seriousness” rather than “serious” in describing a fictional barometer, but that’s okay since no such barometer actually exists in many minds. We all want to know who the “serious” bidders…

  • Spin The Coyotes

    Spin The Coyotes

    What if you wanted Greg Jamison to go away? What if you managed to get a story published that made it appear Greg Jamison was begging for a deadline extension while providing public assurance his bid was likely to succeed? That would make him look bad, wouldn’t it? It would make it easier to later dismiss…

  • Amy’s Baking Company, and the Coyotes

    Amy’s Baking Company, and the Coyotes

    You can’t make this stuff up. The latest craziness discussion will require YOU to do some work, I’ll wait while you Google (or Bing) “Amy’s Baking Company” and read some of the results. Click here if you’re REALLY lazy and want one sample. Wow, huh? Yup, wow. So, how do you “fix” such a nightmare? There are…

  • Bids To Glendale For Arena

    Bids To Glendale For Arena

    Six million dollars a year is the number being politically bolstered through the local media by the City of Glendale as the amount they consider to be legitimate for managing their arena. It’s clear that, very soon, the NHL will be presenting the group allowed to purchase the Phoenix Coyotes. There is considerable jockeying in…

  • Coyotes: The Pastor Bid

    Coyotes: The Pastor Bid

    Yesterday was another big news day for Coyotes fans, although once again it had nothing to do with actual hockey. Rest assured there are more big days and more surprises coming over the next few weeks. Probably big surprises. Hopefully POSITIVE ones, of course. The news yesterday was Darin Pastor’s group submitted their finalized bid for…

  • AZ Republic Contradicts Itself

    AZ Republic Contradicts Itself

    I have work to do and really should be doing it. There’s so much buzz today resulting from what I perceive as a carefully timed Arizona Republic hit piece fired across the bows of the NHL and the Coyotes that we should examine the metamorphosis of the Republic. If you’re reading this, you probably remember Lisa…

  • The Cow Says “AMULA”

    The Cow Says “AMULA”

    I’ve been speculating for awhile the NHL could decide to hold Glendale to an Agreement of Management, Use and Lease (AMUL) that could be significantly LESS beneficial to the City than any agreement they’ve currently negotiated with prospective owners. Certainly less beneficial than the agreement worked out with Hockey Partners (the Jamison group). I didn’t…