Nebulous Verbosity

Everything here is absolutely correct. Probably.

Author: George Fallar

  • Goldwater Hopes Misguided

    Goldwater Hopes Misguided

    As we wind down 2012, the arena management agreement between the City of Glendale and Hockey Partners is approved, signed and delivered. That’s another giant step toward the Coyotes bright future in Glendale completed successfully. The R-12-02 referendum halfhearted and error laden attempt by Ken Jones and Francine Romesburg followed the similarly error filled R-12-01 attempt into failure, this time they didn’t even…

  • Gift Clause? Nope.

    Gift Clause? Nope.

    December 28, 2012 Now that the final attempt at a referendum to kill the Phoenix Coyotes has failed, there remain few hopes for the opponents of the Coyotes. Something that has been bandied about social media is the threat that Goldwater Institute will sue the City of Glendale once all parts of the sale of…

  • Viral Misinformation

    Viral Misinformation

    December 27, 2012 Yesterday we had the pleasure of yet another blog entry from Mike Sunnucks on the Phoenix Business Journal web site with his typical anti-Coyotes slant. We’re all used to it by now, and can predict the timeline of how things will progress during the day after Mike hits the “publish” button. Somebody…

  • Coyotes Fans Look Ahead

    Coyotes Fans Look Ahead

    December 20, 2012 In the midst of the holiday season the Coyotes are at the end of another year of NHL ownership. The ice is down but the rink remains empty most nights because of the NHL lockout. Rest assured the first day back at home we’ll all be there to see the Pacific Division…

  • Grumpy Coyotes Grinches

    Grumpy Coyotes Grinches

    Hey it’s the holiday season and we’re supposed to be festive all up in this joint, aren’t we? Some people, they just have to get their Grinchy Grump on. It seems as if the Jones family has a bone to pick with my family, I suppose me in particular. We disagree on may things, I’m…

  • Deja Vu All Over Again

    Deja Vu All Over Again

    December 13, 2012 The City of Glendale has sent a letter dated December 12, 2012 to the “Back To Sanity” (BTS) people explaining that their referendum documentation for R12-02 (to bring the arena lease to a public vote) is wrong. Click here to read it. The letter explains that a copy of the full text of the measure to…

  • Cheap Shots

    Cheap Shots

    Sunday, December 9, 2012 Ken Jones and Francine Romesburg are adding a new flavor to the meaning of the word “bait”. While Francine relented after initially not allowing entrance of a person we know into her Wednesday “public welcome” Tea Party meeting at Denny’s, he and his daughter decided to go elsewhere after doing a head count of…

  • NHL CBA Signed Friday!

    NHL CBA Signed Friday!

    December 5, 2012 Since it looks like the NHL lockout talks are proceeding and the Coyotes sale is moving forward with some very positive momentum, I wanted to take the chance to talk about other things. I apologize for taking a page out of the book of local and Canadian media with the extremely misleading,…