Author: George Fallar
Watch Your Six – Tea Bagger Edition
December 1, 2012, Here we are four days after the arena lease agreement between the City of Glendale and Hockey Partners was voted “in”. As predicted way back in “Watch Your Six – Part III“, there will be petitions circulated to obtain a referendum to kill the arena lease deal. Since my Nostradamicator was fully functional back then…
Watch Your Six – Decision Time
November 27, 2012 Tonight is a big night for Coyotes fans and haters alike. We’re all nervous. I hope to see a good turnout of Coyotes people at the meeting tonight and I’m sure those people speaking will do us all proud. It’s no secret that there have been threats of revisiting the petition for…
Watch Your Six – Part Final
November 26, 2012 Here we sit on the eve of yet another momentous vote on the Coyotes sale and their future. It’s a busy day, so only a couple things to cover. Phil Lieberman’s Seat We figured there would be a push to seat the new council member for disappearing Phil’s Cactus district seat. Now…
Trolls, Pots And Kettles
November 25, 2012 It’s interesting how much buzz resulted from yesterday’s post about an anonymous Twitter troll, @CoyotesClubber, and how her exhortation to fellow Twitter trolls to write emails to Glendale CM Knaack probably resulted in at least one impersonated email being sent to her. Why the buzz when I’ve detailed some of this before?…
Cockroaches: Come To The Light!
There is a strange obsession with the Coyotes that a group of disturbed Canadians have, they express their obsession nearly constantly on Twitter, Facebook and Internet bulletin boards dedicated to their negative fascination with the Coyotes. Some are rational, many more are semi-rational and many are disturbed enough to personally attack people such as Glendale…
Designing The Coyotes Mess 2
November 23, 2012 Yesterday we started running through an odd email sent to all the Glendale city council members and the mayor by “Ricky Gill” regarding the “real” story about the Coyotes and their saga, beginning before Jerry Moyes took the team to bankruptcy court. The email alleges some of the “real” reasons behind the…
Who Designed The Coyotes Mess?
November 22, 2012 – Thanksgiving There are many weird questions that haven’t been answered and many more that haven’t even been yet asked about the Coyotes in Glendale. While the drama goes back well past the bankruptcy declaration from Jerry Moyes, around that time is when things that look and smell funny begin to really…
Watch Your Six – Part SIX
November 18, 2012 Ladies and gentlemen, today we will celebrate the sixth installment of “Watch Your Six” with some talk about the numbers that will be tossed around at meetings coming up in the next several days. Our extremely popular series is ironically named. The most obvious reason to “Watch Your Six” is that there are…