Nebulous Verbosity

Everything here is absolutely correct. Probably.

Author: George Fallar

  • Coyotes Saga Nears Close, Really

    At the risk of jumping a gun or jinxing something, City of Glendale today published their agenda (click here for a copy) for a City Council Workshop on October 2. Agenda item number 3 says: 3. ARENA MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT MODIFICATION PROPOSAL PRESENTED BY: Horatio Skeete, Acting City Manager Yeah well we’ve been there done that got…

  • Mayor Scruggs Calls Me A Liar

    Mayor Scruggs Calls Me A Liar

    I’ve heard that the lame duck Mayor of Glendale, AZ has a bone to pick with the veracity of my blog posts. After the September 12, 2012 special City Council workshop we (Bea and I) attended, there was a brief executive session. Afterwards, a group of us thugs were milling around outside talking about what…

  • Loyalty Works Both Ways?

    As Coyotes fans, we’ve known for a long time that we have something of a national treasure in our Captain. Yes, I always spell that word with a capital “C” when used referring to Shane Doan. Readers familiar with this blog, or me personally, know that I make no excuse for saying I love the…

  • AZ Free Enterprise Club Spends 10k Attempting to Defeat Joyce Clark

    August 28, 2012 Ten THOUSAND dollars in a PRIMARY election, and not to support a candidate but in opposition to one single candidate.  WOW! Several days ago a gentleman he said his name was Peter, but I’m sure he is Bill or Billy, Mac or Buddy, was on this blog and bragged about how he was…

  • 20 Questions For Goldwater Institute

    20 Questions For Goldwater Institute

    I have tried several avenues to get a chance to ask a representative of Goldwater Institute a few questions that would help clear up what I think are anomalies in reality versus public statements, mostly regarding the now over three year Coyotes fiasco. There has never been a clear statement from Goldwater regarding what their…

  • Goldwater Institute Blows It

    Goldwater Institute Blows It

    July 24, 2012 Early in the morning, deep in the Sawtooth Wilderness of Idaho during the twilight hours normally reserved for the dark struggles of nocturnal hunters and their prey, our hero the aging yet young at heart curmudgeon awakes with a startling realization that promises to ruin his much needed vacation slumber for the balance of the…

  • Next Time, Read The Directions

    Next Time, Read The Directions

    July 14, 2012 The City of Glendale faced two sets of petition gatherers recently, one was a petition for a referendum sponsored by Ken Jones and Joe Cobb. Faithful readers of my brain dumps are already overly familiar with that petiion. There was another, much more well funded, petition circulated to have a sales tax…

  • Too Little, Too Late, Too Mistakey

    I have spent the last day recalibrating my Nostradamusmeter, somehow it’s off several clicks because I didn’t see this coming, not with these parameters at least. Ken Jones and Joe Cobb turned in their petition for referendum R-12-01 to the Glendale City Clerk yesterday, July 12. They managed to collect 1,568 signatures instead of the 1,862 required….