Author: George Fallar
Note To Dan Bickley: Get Bent
Dan… We don’t know each other, probably never will. I don’t usually read your prose, in fact never, but I am interested in what other Coyotes fans have to say. It seemed your name was coming up in an unflattering context. Again. So, I decided to let you earn a click on me as I read your…
Cobb Says Voters Don’t Matter, AT ALL!
As the petition signing for the anti-Coyotes petition (yes, that’s what I’m going to call it from now on) continues, the rap of Ken Jones and Joe Cobb when soliciting signatures has morphed over time to fit their needs. The first idea they were using was along the lines of “Libraries or Coyotes”, stating that…
They Call It Stormy Monday (but Tuesday’s Just as Bad)
Why yes, I enjoy some T-Bone Walker music now and then, everybody should. Even the covers are good. But, once again, I digress from the matter at hand. Today is Sunday, July 8, 2012 and tomorrow is a big day for Coyotes fans, the City of Glendale (CoG), Canadian social media trolls and many others….
Tea Party EMail Soliciting circulators for petition
From: Ryan Kinnear Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 11:11 AM Subject: Urgent grassroots taxpayer action in Glendale!!!! July 1, 2012 URGENT Dear Glendale Taxpayer: In Glendale, there is a petition drive to get a referendum on the city’s November ballot, to suspend a back-room deal between the City of Glendale and the prospective buyer of…
Is This Milk Bad? Here, Take a Whiff!
July 4, 2012 Back again today with another chapter in the so far neverending saga of conservative “think tank” Goldwater Institute doing their level best to reduce to ashes a successful sale of the Phoenix Coyotes, a team run into bankruptcy by former Goldwater board member Jerry Moyes. Mr. Moyes was completely unable to run either a…
Goldwater Reinvents Calendar!
It’s been so many years since Julius Caesar or his astronomical minions came up with a pretty workable calendar. Sure, every four years or so we have to kick it a day, but it’s stood us in good stead for a lot of years. Now the Goldwater Institute has reinvented the Julian calendar without notification? We expect…
Coyotes Win Again
Judge Fink published his ruling yesterday (June 27), handing the Goldwater Institute another defeat in their pursuit of the Coyotes. Unfortunately for their recruited plaintiffs Joe Cobb and Ken Jones, they are left holding the bag for court and attorneys fees, I’m sure their water bills will pale in comparison. Goldwater’s spinmeisters were distracted by…
Goldwater’s Plaintiff against Coyotes MAY Be Afoul of Federal Election Rules
I stand accused INTERNATIONALLY of being obsessed with the Coyotes and their fate in Glendale, AZ. Mea culpa, I am, as are more fans than the average person would believe. We are, hopefully, a force to be reckoned with especially now that we aren’t being distracted by another outstanding season turned in by our Coyotes….