Author: George Fallar
Jeff Flake IS Goldwater Institute
So, here we are, knee deep in yet another Goldwater Institute (GWI) lawsuit aimed squarely at the heads of the Coyotes and the City of Glendale (CoG). As of today, June 26, 2012, we are waiting for Judge Fink to document a ruling on the lawsuit brought against CoG by GWI on behalf of Joe…
Putting the “Hip” in Hypocrite Part 2
I have briefly mentioned the lack of interest Goldwater Institute had in a city funded, $100 million stadium in Mesa, built for the Chicago Cubs so they would have a nice new place for their preseason games. I speculated that, perhaps, since Rep. Jeff Flake is the congressional representative for that district and is also…
Putting the “Hip” in Hypocrite
June 24, 2012 It’s been fun to be the “tinfoil hat conspiracy theory” guy for the past week or so. It’s easy to dismiss the Goldwater “coincidences” as nothing more than that, even in the face of simple logic. One only has to go back to the original bankruptcy filing by Goldwater board member Jerry…
Yeah, Moyes IS The Bad Guy
By: Bea Wyatt I decided to look into when it was that Goldwater Institute (GWI) started to interject themselves into the Coyotes/NHL/Glendale negotiation process. In combing through the GWI, I discovered the first time that GWI Got “on the record” in this matter was (according to GWI) February 26, 2009. On that day, Carrie Ann Sitren was speaking on…
Expect UFCW Union Support against Coyotes
Our Coyotes fans brothers and sisters are very much aware that the petitioners recruited by the Goldwater Institute for their lawsuit against the Coyotes are in the process of collecting signatures for their referendum petition. It’s the American way, we should all celebrate democracy every single day we have the privilege of living in the…
Where’s Norma?
Let me begin this paranoid diatribe by saying that I’m not a lawyer, government worker, union member, journalist or anything other than a working stiff who wants to see his hockey team stay in town. Anything I write or have written is PURE speculation, some of it supported by facts. The people involved, none of which…
Perry Mason got nothin’ on me!
Here we are, waiting AGAIN for a judge to decide the future of Coyotes hockey in Arizona, this time again at the hands of the Goldwater Institute. The last deal with Matt Hulsizer disintegrated because of a Moody’s downgrade of Glendale bonds after Goldwater wrote them a letter detailing their “concerns” about the liquidity of…
Mine is bigger than yours, buddy!
June 13, 2012 Here we are after 11AM on Wednesday, June 13, 2012. We fans of the Coyotes fiasco were told (or at least led to believe) by Goldwater Institute that they would be in court first thing Monday morning looking to have the Friday vote of the Glendale City Council (CoG) regarding the arena…