Nebulous Verbosity

Everything here is absolutely correct. Probably.

Author: George Fallar

  • We don’t need no stinkin’ FORMS!

    June 12, 2012 So I’m here having a nice chilly Dos Equis ambar (yes it’s ambAr) at my desk after a hard day of work, adding some empty calories and carbs to the 1,000 calorie per day regimen I am currently mostly ignoring. Since I’ve been cruising around the IRS web site lately, I decided…

  • Don’t lend these hosers money, you’ll be sorry!

    Don’t lend these hosers money, you’ll be sorry!

    June 11, 2012 I am not a lawyer and will never be one. I have almost no skills in either legal research or Googling. So, please take anything I have to say with that in mind when you decide whether anything I have to say here makes sense. Yes, in the title I did use…

  • Is that a robot in your pocket, or are you just glad to be interrupting my dinner?

    Is that a robot in your pocket, or are you just glad to be interrupting my dinner?

    June 10, 2012 After the unexpected popularity of my little opinion piece yesterday, I feel compelled to do a brief followup. Yes, I have two interesting web based design and programming projects that I SHOULD be working on, assuming I wish to continue feeding the dogs and the kids. But, the responses I received from the…

  • Coyotes, Robots, Goldwater and the IRS

    Coyotes, Robots, Goldwater and the IRS

    Let me preface these words with the fact that I am not a tax expert, investigative reporter, attorney, legislator nor anything other than a concerned citizen that is disturbed by the actions of a “watchdog organization” that purports to support taxpayers and protect them from government abuse while enjoying the benefits of being a tax-free…

  • Open Letter to Shane Doan from a Kings Fan

    Open Letter to Shane Doan from a Kings Fan

    Here’s a cut and paste from a Kings fans Facebook post about our Captain: An open note to Shane Doan Hi Shane; I just wanted to drop you a genuine note of appreciation from a Kings fan. I’m not thrilled about how you pretty much single handedly beat us yesterday in game 4, but I…

  • There’s a new sheriff in town, Joe

    There’s a new sheriff in town, Joe

    The Toughest Sheriff in America People all over the world know of the sheriff in Maricopa County, Arizona. It’s Joe Arpaio, the self-proclaimed “Toughest Sheriff in America”. As a resident of Maricopa County for a bunch of years, I remain more convinced of Joe’s foibles than his toughness, as is the U.S. Justice Department’s Civil…

  • The Savior is… Jeremy Roenick?!?

    The Savior is… Jeremy Roenick?!?

    Okay before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, this is not a sacrilegious blog entry, it has nothing to do with religion at all. In this case ‘savior’ is just a descriptive word. What’s New in the Coyotes Saga? Word all over the tweetyverse today is about Jeremy Roenick (JR) and his involvement in…

  • The Dangerfielding of Shane Doan

    The Dangerfielding of Shane Doan

    Phoenix Coyotes staff, coaches, players and fans have come to be used to the derision and lack of respect directed at them by hockey fans, particularly the elitist brand from Canada. It’s sometimes entertaining to bait the anti-Coyotes trolls that inhabit the social media outlets of the Internet. To be honest, some of the lack…