Nebulous Verbosity

Everything here is absolutely correct. Probably.

Author: George Fallar

  • Echo Dot – Versatile and Inexpensive Voice Control

    Echo Dot – Versatile and Inexpensive Voice Control

    The Amazon Echo Dot is a smaller, less expensive but just as effective little brother to the full size Amazon Echo. For providing voice control of home automation products regardless of manufacturer, there may be no better product to “rule them all” than the Echo Dot. Setup Amazon setup instructions here. You need a device connected…

  • Obamacare Lesson Coming in Minnesota

    Obamacare Lesson Coming in Minnesota

    Minnesota is preparing a state plan to deliver health insurance premium assistance to citizens adversely effected by premium spikes for 2017 ACA plans. This is a good thing, a response to a real problem that may impact 120,000 Minnesotans. If one is astute and wants to actually do the work necessary to read the actual…

  • Trump’s Circus of Distraction

    Trump’s Circus of Distraction

    Vice president elect Mike Pence attended a performance of “Hamilton” on Friday, November 18. He was booed by the audience and, after the show, was presented with a speech from the cast. While Pence was escorted out by his Secret Service detail, appearing to miss the speech from the cast, he later stated he actually heard…

  • Watch Out Old Folks – Your Health Care is in Jeopardy

    Watch Out Old Folks – Your Health Care is in Jeopardy

    The people have spoken and close to a majority of voters in the United States voted to see the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”, “Obamacare”) health care solution repealed and replaced the day Donald Trump is sworn in as President. Only a dolt would believe that’s actually possible given the millions of people that would be adversely…

  • The Hidden Dangers of the Northern Border

    The Hidden Dangers of the Northern Border

    Cool clickbaity post headline, right? I was going to subtitle it “Build That Wall, Eh?”, but decided against it. Beginning December 1, 2016; visitors to Canada from Mexico will be able to enter without a visa. Instead, the only requirement will be an “Electronic Travel Authorization” (eTA), which can be applied for online here. The…

  • Fear is Personal and Real

    Fear is Personal and Real

    Social media is abuzz with people dismissing fears expressed by others concerned with where the next Presidential regime will take the United States and how it will affect them. Protesters marching the streets of cities across the country are being characterized as babies, wimps, whiners, and sore losers. The list of reported racist incidents after…

  • It’s Not About Sex, It’s About Power

    It’s Not About Sex, It’s About Power

    The furor and the accompanying apologist dismissals that began with a NSFW recording of Donald Trump bragging about his penchant for sexual aggression and assault has yet to abate. Trump’s Worthless Apology Donald’s initial attempt at an apology immediately began the deflection process aimed at his main competitor: “This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took…

  • Trump’s Economic Plan Revealed

    Trump’s Economic Plan Revealed

    While Donald Trump was giving his economic plan speech in Detroit in front of the Detroit Economic Club, he briefly wandered away from his teleprompter speech and went rogue with some off the cuff speechifying. Yes, he did say “… cause trillions of new wealth to come pouring into out country. And, by the way, into titties like…