Nebulous Verbosity

Everything here is absolutely correct. Probably.

  • Trollfail – Part One

    Trollfail – Part One

    It’s a dilemma. Presented with an individual bent on aggrandizing his presence by offering negative comments and spurious information: should he be ignored or taken to task for being ridiculous? Ignore Him, He’ll Disappear Conventional adult wisdom supports ignoring the pest because it’s clear ANY attention will feed his addiction, gratifying the desire for a glance from people…

  • Second Anti-Casino PAC Likely To Be Fined $65k

    Second Anti-Casino PAC Likely To Be Fined $65k

    One of the political action committees (PACs) opposing the Tohono O’dham casino in Glendale is likely to follow the tracks of their “sister” PAC and be fined by Glendale, according to a letter from the Glendale City Clerk. Reasonable Cause A campaign finance reporting complaint was lodged by this author on October 6 against “No More Bad…

  • Sherwood Recall Effort Doomed From The Start

    Sherwood Recall Effort Doomed From The Start

    The Glendale City Clerk notified the “Recall Councilman Gary Sherwood” (RCGS) political action committee that the 398 sheets of petitions they handed in December 19 were all being rejected because the format of the sheets and the information on them was wrong. A rejection of this sort means the signatures on those sheets, the ones…

  • Sherwood Recall Effort Fails Miserably in Glendale

    Sherwood Recall Effort Fails Miserably in Glendale

    Frequent readers of this space know the leading cause of failure for referendums and the like is “not reading the directions”. It happened again, the “Recall Councilman Gary Sherwood” (RCGS) committee has been notified their three month expensive effort to recall Councilman Sherwood has failed in spectacular fashion. City Clerk Notification The Glendale City Clerk,…

  • Sherwood Recall Effort Advances Sloppily

    Sherwood Recall Effort Advances Sloppily

    Anna Lee, the chairperson of the “Recall Councilman Gary Sherwood Committee” (RCGS), submitted completed petition sheets to the Glendale City Clerk on Friday, December 19. She was presented with a receipt. Kill The Casino The stated purpose of the Sherwood recall is because of accusations of purported open meeting law shenanigans and other things, summarized by the final…

  • Signature Requirement Incorrect for Sherwood Recall

    Signature Requirement Incorrect for Sherwood Recall

    Anna Lee, the chairperson of the “Recall Councilman Gary Sherwood Committee” (RCGS), submitted completed petition sheets to the Glendale City Clerk on Friday, December 19. RCGS paid Petition Partners about $1 of Gila River Indian Community funds per signature, depending on the math and the dubious correctness of the campaign finance reports. We’ll feature more wacky math tomorrow. How many signatures…